Urias Globe of Death


The Urias Family is proud to be performing in the original Globe that was built by their great-grandfather almost 100 years ago. The daredevil stunts are performed within the confines of a 16 foot diamater Globe.

The Original Globe of Death has been in the Urias Family since it was built in 1912 by Jose Urias; the Great Grandfather of the Urias Brothers. Jose passed on the legacy to his son Jose II and grandson Victor, then to Victor’s sons Erwin and Melvin who continue to perform in the Original Globe.

Book the Urias Family Globe of Steel Today!

Original family members and brothers, Erwin and Melvin Urias have been “Globe Riders” since childhood, following in their father, grandfather and great-grandfather’s footsteps. Olga Surnina joined the act in 2008 and became one of the few female riders in the history of the act. Jodie Urias has the extraordinary job of being the daring young lady that graces the center of the Globe as the motorcycle riders zoom all around her!

It must be assumed that Erwin, Melvin, and Olga fear nothing. What else could explain how they could crawl into a 16-foot-wide mesh-metal globe and chase each other with dirtbikes at speeds up to 60 mile per hour? This is a diagram of four of the daredevils’ ten running patterns.

Book the Urias Family Globe of Death Today!

The Sphere of Fear was originally constructed with heavy steel strapping and hand pounded steel rivets to hold the steel straps together and give the Sphere its crisscrossed metal weaved appearance. The Urias Family is the first Sphere of Fear act to feature 3 motorcycles, and the first to feature 3 motorcycles and a Lady standing in the center.

Book the Urias Family Sphere of Fear Today!